
Sister Spotlight

This week, Delta Zeta’s Sisterhood Spotlight focuses on Emmy Persall, a senior studying graphic design. Emmy has served as Delta Zeta’s Chaplain and Banner Chair, and has loved being a leader in the sorority. Last Saturday, Emmy became engaged on the historic USC Horseshoe!
Q: Favorite animal?
A: My dog Hagen! He is less of an animal and more of my adopted child.
Q: Favorite Gamecock football player?
A: Lattimore.
Q: Favorite Delta Zeta meal?
A: The breakfast spread for Friday Brunch is unbeatable.
Q: Favorite Delta Zeta function?
A: Senior band party is always a lot of fun. I love shagging when we have a live band.
Q: Fun fact?
A: I’m still secretly in love with Hanson. My seven year old obsession never faded away.
Q: Favorite memory in your time at USC?
A: There are way too many to choose just one! I have been blessed with an incredible college experience. My random roommate freshman year is now one of my best friends. I got a bid from my first choice, Delta Zeta of course. My junior year I was lavaliered by my now fiancé beside the stadium and just this past weekend he proposed. I’m super excited for Delta Zeta to participate in homecoming with his fraternity. Both my younger sister and brother also attend USC and are Greeks. It’s been a lot of fun to be able to share college memories with them as well.

Q: What happened this past weekend when you became engaged?
A: On Saturday, my boyfriend Garrett and I were eating lunch on the Horseshoe when he told me that he wanted to show me the brick that his parents bought him. We walked up to the center of the Horseshoe [near the statue] and I look down to see “Emmy will you marry me? Love Garrett-2012”. As he got down on one knee I immediately started bawling. Of course I said yes! We are super excited to start planning the rest of our lives together and I couldn’t imagine my life without him.
A huge congrats to Emmy & Garrett!! 

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